In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving world, we require furniture that is not only functional but also adaptable and sustainable. That's why I have designed and developed a modular furniture system made from high-quality plywood cut into building blocks using a CNC machine.

Modular Furnishing

The modular furniture system I have created prioritizes adaptability, functionality, aesthetics, and sustainability, making it a perfect solution for modern living. The building blocks are simple and versatile, allowing you to create a wide range of furniture pieces, from bookshelves to coffee tables to dressers, and more.The design's versatility means that it can be used in a variety of settings, from small apartments to large homes. The building blocks come with built-in storage and easy-to-follow assembly instructions, making each piece as functional as possible. Additionally, the blocks are lightweight and easy to transport, making them ideal for people on the move.


One of the most significant benefits of this modular furniture system is its sustainability.

By using high-quality plywood and a CNC machine to create the building blocks, waste is minimized, and the environmental impact is reduced.

The system is also designed to be easily disassembled and repurposed, giving each piece a long and useful life.

We began the process by creating a massive two-part mold that would clamp the plywood down after we had steamed and glued it together. It was a frustrating and chaotic process that taught us a lot of lessons along the way. But finally, we had the two pieces of steam-bent plywood that would form the basis of our chair.

Next up, we needed to figure out how to add some cushioning and upholstery to make the chair comfortable. Thankfully, our college introduced us to a local upholstery factory that showed us how to create our cushion and mount it on the chair. They were so generous with their time and expertise that we felt like we owed them a lifetime supply of pizza.

In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving world, we require furniture that is not only functional but also adaptable and sustainable. That's why I have designed and developed a modular furniture system made from high-quality plywood cut into building blocks using a CNC machine.

The modular furniture system I have created prioritizes adaptability, functionality, aesthetics, and sustainability, making it a perfect solution for modern living. The building blocks are simple and versatile, allowing you to create a wide range of furniture pieces, from bookshelves to coffee tables to dressers, and more.The design's versatility means that it can be used in a variety of settings, from small apartments to large homes. The building blocks come with built-in storage and easy-to-follow assembly instructions, making each piece as functional as possible. Additionally, the blocks are lightweight and easy to transport, making them ideal for people on the move.

One of the most significant benefits of my modular furniture system is its sustainability. By using high-quality plywood and a CNC machine to create the building blocks, waste is minimized, and the environmental impact is reduced. The system is also designed to be easily disassembled and repurposed, giving each piece a long and useful life.

In terms of aesthetics, my modular furniture system has an industrial aesthetic that gives it a unique and modern look. The design is simple yet elegant, making it an ideal fit for a variety of interior styles, whether you prefer a minimalist, industrial, or eclectic look.

Overall, my modular furniture system represents the future of furniture design. It is an innovative solution that has the potential to shape the way we think about furniture and its role in our lives. The design's adaptability, functionality, aesthetics, and sustainability make it an ideal solution for modern living. My modular furniture system is a step forward in furniture design, and I am excited to see the impact it can make on our lives.

We were exhausted but thrilled with the reception our chair was getting. And when the show ended, we were honored to be awarded the People's Choice Award. Our whole team accepted the award gratefully and celebrated by going home for a week long hibernation.

In the end, we learned a lot about teamwork, creativity, and the power of a good conversation starter. And we had a blast doing it.